Monday, July 4, 2011

You Have Seen Nothing

You have seen nothing until you've seen a homeless man ask a subway passenger for change and then indignantly bang on the wall beside the passenger's head when he realized the man was asleep.

You have seen nothing until you've seen this same homeless man, with an air of supreme entitlement, request money from the startled passenger.

You have seen nothing until you've seen the homeless man's irritation, as if the passenger had been wasting his time by daring to sleep when the homeless man was petitioning for funds.

You have seen nothing until you've seen a homeless man, angry that he could not reap the fruits of someone else's labor, exit the train in a huff.

1 comment:

secret agent woman said...

I've had homeless people react in anger on many occasions hen I didn't hand over money. I remind myself that there is a high incidence of mental illness and addiction among the homeless.