Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hair Update

It's that time again. Here's what my hair looked like back at the end of July:

My Hair

My Ponytail

Just yesterday, a neighborhood friend who hadn't been around in a while came to our house.

"Wow, BB," he remarked, looking at me through the open front door. "You haven't cut your hair yet?"

"No," I said.

"It's getting really long now," he said.

"Yeah," I responded.

He was right.

My Hair


My Ponytail

Unfortunately, the day after these more recent photos were taken, I had to do something that I don't enjoy very much: get a haircut.

When I first started growing my hair out in October of 2006, I went over a year, until November of 2007, without so much as a trim. It was eight months after that, until last August, that scissors again touched my hair, and by that time my dead ends were such that I had to take off four inches and I looked like this:

BB Gets a Haircut

It was then I decided that, though I loathed it, I would get trims every six months. I'd rather get a little bit cut twice a year than a ton cut off once a year. I'll wait until next month to post any hair pictures, though; the half-inch off is actually genuinely bugging me.


secret agent woman said...

Your hair posts are a reminder to me of how freaking fast time is flying by, because it seems like the last one was about a week ago!

BrightenedBoy said...

I was thinking the same thing when I wrote it. I'll be doing September's before long.